PLC received a $2.3 million grant over three years from the U.S. Department of Education, Native Hawaiian Education Program, for its proposal Mohala I Ke Ao (MIKA): A culturally-responsive, multi-tiered beginning reading support system for schools and communities with diverse learners.
“Mohala I Ke Ao is a large-scale comprehensive effort led by a longstanding partnership between CRDG’s Pacific Literacy Consortium (PLC) and the Hawai‛i Department of Education’s Office of Hawaiian Education,” Principal Investigator Hugh Dunn said. “Project MIKA will also team with early literacy researchers at the local and national levels and program providers whose work is at the intersection of education, neuroscience, and policy.”
Grounded in scientific research in the field of reading, MIKA’s theory of action targets increasing teachers’ understanding and application of evidence-based early reading instruction, helping struggling readers achieve grade level competency, and increasing parent engagement through home-based literacy initiatives.
For more information about MIKA and the College of Education, visit