PLC partners with the Institute for Native Pacific Education and Culture (INPEACE) to pilot-test the Preschool Early Literacy Indicator (PELI) at INPEACE Keiki Steps sites on the leeward coast of ʻOahu. The PELI is a storybook-embedded assessment of essential pre-literacy and oral language skills needed for kindergarten. The assessment is designed to identify children (ages 3-5) who are experiencing difficulties acquiring these skills with intent to provide the instructional support needed to improve future reading outcomes. PELI measures alphabet knowledge, vocabulary and oral language, phonemic awareness, and listening comprehension. During the month of December 2015, PLC deployed assessors to eight of INPEACE administered family-child interaction learning program Keiki Steps sites on the leeward coast. Keiki Steps is a free program focused on parent–child interactive learning experiences from birth through five years of age.